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15 Top Effective Sleep Training Tips for Every Parent

Sleep training methods can help new parents. Here’s all you need to know about sleep training, how and when to sleep train a baby, and sleep training tips.

11 min read
15 Top Effective Sleep Training Tips for Every Parent

Parenting is a tough round-the-clock job. You have to put all your efforts into keeping your baby healthy and safe. You have to wake up multiple times to soothe the baby and feed them. So, it's natural that you and your partner aren’t getting enough sleep.

But you can soon consider sleep training your baby. As per a study, sleep training helps the baby fall asleep independently and improves the mother’s mood and sleep cycle.

What is Sleep Training?

Although babies spend most of their time sleeping, they must learn when and how to sleep. Sleep training teaches babies how to fall asleep on their own without any help. It means they learn to sleep without being cuddled, swayed, or rocked.

Even though babies can’t speak or understand the words spoken to them, they can get cues when expected to go to sleep. Sleep training is a developmental skill that provides a consistent sleep routine to the baby. Its methods vary for babies and families. It is important to train babies as per their needs.

While planning for sleep training, most parents worry about their baby’s crying. They question the impact of crying on the child’s development and psychology. Parents think that it might affect their bond or the baby might feel abandoned. But, this is not true! As per studies, there is no difference observed between children who went through sleep training and those who didn’t.

Night Weaning Vs. Sleep Training

Mostly, new parents are likely to wake up several times at night. They do so to make the baby eat or sleep.

Night weaning means getting a baby to stop breastfeeding or bottle feeding overnight. To do this, mothers feed the baby properly during the daytime. It will keep babies full at night, and they don’t wake up hungry in the middle of the night. Parents can night wean the child after the baby is 6 months old. It is considered healthy as long as the child has an appropriate weight.

Night weaning is thus different from sleep training. In sleep training, the child learns to sleep on their own. However, you can train the child simultaneously in both of these. It is seen that if a baby learns to sleep on their own, the need for overnight feedings is also reduced.

When to Start Sleep Training?

How and when to sleep train a baby? Before you plan to sleep train the baby, a few important parameters, primarily the child’s age and weight should be considered. In the initial months, the baby’s tummy is small. You need to feed them frequently, even at night.

At what age can you sleep train a baby? There is no specific age when you can start sleep training. You should wait until the baby is old enough to go 8-10 hours without eating. In general, most paediatricians recommend beginning sleep training when the baby is around 4-6 months old.

Some babies can start early, and some after crossing 6 months. The baby should have a healthy weight of around 15 lbs with no medical concerns to start sleep training. Premature babies and babies with special needs like being underweight or having feeding problems, may require special consideration for nap training.

Always consult a paediatrician before you start training the baby. Also, if the current sleep routine of the baby works for you, there is no need to sleep train the baby.

Parents also need to prepare themselves for sleep training as it requires a lot of patience and commitment. It is best to start when you don’t have any activity that might disrupt the training, like a trip or intensive work projects.

Also, even if you miss the window period of sleep training the child at 4-6 months, you can train them later. There is no age for sleep training, but it becomes more challenging as the child grows.

How Long Does Sleep Training Take?

The duration of sleep training varies according to the

  • Age of the baby
  • The personality of the baby
  • The sleep training method you choose
  • Developmental changes of the baby like teething
  • Consistency of the method
  • Sleep regression

Remember, nap training is not for night sleep. It is for babies to sleep on their own. You might frequently feed the baby at night while sleep training. Mostly, it can take 4-6 nights to train the baby. But, if it takes longer than two weeks, you might need to consult a paediatrician.

Sleep Training Methods

Now that you have decided to sleep train the baby, the next step is to determine the sleep training method. It is the most important step in sleep training, and you must choose a method keeping your comfort and tolerance level in mind. It is best to start with a gentle method to get comfortable. You can consider the following sleep methods:

1. Cry It Out (CIO) Method

In the crying it out method, you need to put the baby in the crib and leave the room in the crying it out method. Parents are advised not to take them out of the crib until morning or their next scheduled feed. It gives the child an opportunity to fall asleep independently without interventions.

Before putting them to sleep, make sure the crib is safe, the baby has a clean diaper and is adequately fed. Initially, babies find it difficult to sleep without assistance, but they learn quickly. It is one of the most debated methods as it may involve letting the baby cry. The method is also known as the extinction method and is the most extensively used.

2. Ferber Method

The Ferber method of sleep training is also known as the ‘check and console’ method. In this, the child is put to bed when half-sleep or tired, and parents leave them saying good night. If the baby cries, they can go in to check the baby, but the check should be at increasing spaced intervals. For instance, initially check on the baby in 2-3 minutes, then 5 minutes and later 10 minutes. The goal is to assure the baby that the parents are nearby and always there to make them feel safe.

3. Controlled Crying Method

The method is similar to the Ferber method of sleep training, but the goal is different. In controlled crying, parents check on the baby to calm them down.

4. Pick-Up, Put Down Method

In this method, you put the baby to sleep when they are drowsy, and when they cry, you pick them up, calm them and again put them down. You must repeat the process every time the baby cries until they fall asleep. This sleep training method is meant for babies above 4 months. It takes a lot  of energy for the parents, so the method is suitable if you have a lot of patience.

5. The Fading Method

It is for little older babies used to being physically comforted to sleep. You can gradually stop comforting the child. For instance, if you rock the baby to sleep, you can shorten the amount of time spent rocking each night until the baby falls asleep without rocking.

6. Camp It Out Method

This method is for toddlers. You can change the sleeping environment for them. For instance, you can put the toddler on the bed and sleep next to them. Eventually, they will gain the confidence to sleep on their own.

7. The Chair Method

This sleep training method involves a lot of patience. In this method, put the baby in the crib and sit next to them on a chair. Once they sleep, leave the room. If they cry, come and sit on the chair again. You can move the chair away from the crib each night until you reach the door. It may involve more crying as the child gets upset not seeing you after waking up.

8. Wake and Sleep Method

When you rock or nurse the baby to sleep, the baby gets dependent on it. So, in this method, you swaddle the baby, turn some white noises on like a ceiling fan, feed and rock the baby to sleep. When the baby falls asleep, put them in the crib and wake them with a little tickle to their feet. At this time, they are drowsy, and they will fall back to sleep on their own.

9. Bedtime-Routine Fading

This is combined with other methods. In this, follow whatever method you were using for nap training but gradually decrease the amount of time you spend doing it.

10. Bedtime-Hour Fading

It is a method to change your baby’s bedtime. For instance, if you put the baby in a crib by 8, they may cry for half an hour. Then, the sleeping time is 8:30. To change it, put the baby in the crib 15 minutes earlier. Each day, change the time to 15 minutes earlier than the previous day’s time until you reach the desired time. Most parents use this method with other sleep training methods for a better sleep schedule for the baby.

11. No-Tears Method

Though these options take longer, they are gentle on the child. You can use sleep associative techniques like nursing, rocking, or singing to put the baby to sleep. You can gradually stop nursing and rock for a few nights. For instance, you can nurse the child early and let the non-nursing parent put the child to sleep. Similarly, stop rocking when the child is drowsy but awake. This technique will prevent the child’s continued dependency on sleep-associated things.

12. Camping Out Method

It is a gentle sleep training method that involves the gradual withdrawal of parents from the child’s room at sleep time. It results in less crying but takes longer. Before going out, you can provide a brief to the child. For instance, “I love you, it’s time to sleep. Good night”.

Do it every time, and you can gradually withdraw yourself. For instance, in the initial days, say the brief while rubbing the baby’s back, then from a distance,  and then from the door.

13. “Excuse me” Method

It is a method for kids old enough to understand. In this method, parents can provide frequent reassurance on their absence by explaining having some work while the child is tired. For instance, you can say, ‘I have some work. I will be back.’ Initially, you may come back frequently and praise the child for staying in bed or acting brave. Later, reduce the frequency of the checks. Gradually, the child will learn to sleep when you are out of the room. You can also combine it with the bedtime fading method for anxious children.

14. In and Out Check Method

It is for a toddler, wherein parents can briefly check on the child and then go out. If the child cries, say some comforting words but don’t stay for too long; just a minute or two. It involves several ins and outs before the child falls asleep. Toddlers are stubborn, so you must follow it for several nights until the child falls asleep without you checking in.

15. Countdown

It is a toddler sleep training method where you spend time with the child, but it shortens each night. You tell the child that you are leaving in another five minutes every night before you leave. For instance, you spend 30 minutes with the child on the first day, but after 25 minutes, you tell the child that you will be leaving in 5 minutes. Similarly, the next day you spend 25 minutes, and after 20 minutes, you tell the child about leaving in 5 minutes. It helps the toddler get used to the fact that you will be going after tucking them in.

Most of the time, parents combine 2 or 3 of the methods mentioned above. Whatever works best for you based on how the baby responds is completely fine. Sleep training methods aim to teach babies that they can fall asleep independently. As per a study, sleep training also reduces bedtime resistance and frequent nighttime wakings of the baby.

Sleep Training Tips For Kids

Whenever you decide to train the child, you may see certain changes in the child’s appetite, increasing or decreasing. Also, the baby will be clingy, cranky, cry a lot, and show resistance to daytime naps. So, whichever method you choose for sleep training, you need to have a lot of patience.

Here are some proven sleep training tips to help you and the baby during the proceStart-Sleep

1. Sleep Training at the Right Age

After consulting a paediatrician, start the sleep training at the right age as per the child’s need.

2. Choose the Sleep Training Method Wisely

You can try different methods to determine the best one for you and your child. You can also combine 2 or 3 methods if needed.

3. Consistency is the Key

Sleep training methods won’t work if you break the routine. You and your partner should commit and consistently sleep train the baby.

4. Encourage Full Feeding

If you want to sleep train the baby, it is important to encourage the habit of full feeding. It will reduce and eventually eliminate night feeds and promote a good night’s sleep.

5. Bedtime Routine

It involves getting your baby ready for sleep. Set up a bath, change the diapers, feed them, or read a book. Set a routine that will give them a clue of what is to come. Soon, the baby will start to associate the routine with their sleeping time.

6. Start on Time

It is important to practice the method when the baby is tired but awake. Take cues like yawning, fussing, or eye rubbing to initiate the sleep training method.

7. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment Tailored to the Child

Some babies want dim lights, and some can sleep in the dark. Make sure to put on clean sheets. Don’t overdress or underdress the child. You can also play soft music or nature sounds for a calming atmosphere.

8. Don’t Change the Sleeping Environment

The child will recognise and get used to their surroundings if you maintain the same sleeping environment.

9. Don’t Respond to Little Crying

Initially, babies will cry and fuss over being alone. If the crib is safe, there is no need to worry about them crying a little. Please don’t rush to the room; give them time to learn and adapt.

10. Don’t Put the Child through Many Changes

Let the child learn slowly. Do not overwhelm them with many things at once, like potty training, sleep training, etc.

11. Stay Strong

Whatever you feel, your child will pick up on the emotion. So, maintain your patience and be strong and determined while trying sleep training methods.

12. Do Not Ignore a Child’s Cues

If the child has separation anxiety, teething, or any illness, it is not advised to start a sleep method to train them.

As the baby gets older, change their nap time, waketime and bedtime accordingly. You can also help them adopt developmental habits while sleeping. For instance, remove the pacifier and bottle from the crib so that the baby doesn’t associate sleeping with feeding.

When to Call the Doctor

It is advised to consult a paediatrician -

  • Before starting sleep training methods
  • While selecting one or a combination of sleep training methods
  • To learn about the feeding needs during sleep training
  • If your child has special needs
  • If the method isn’t working after trying consistently for 2 weeks
  • If the child throws up while crying or is having an illness

Summing up on Sleeping Training for Kids

Sleep training helps the child sleep independently, which usually starts at 4-6 months of age. It is an important developmental skill that improves the quality of sleep of both children and parents.

After deciding to sleep train the baby, consult a paediatrician and then choose a sleep training method, either the Ferber method, the crying it out method, or any of the other 13 methods mentioned above.

Set up a bedtime routine and create a comfortable sleeping environment as per the child’s needs. Sleep training requires time, consistency and patience. You can use one or a combination of sleep training methods for better results. Consult a paediatrician if the training doesn’t work beyond 2 weeks despite trying these sleep training tips.

Remember, every child is different, so don’t compare yours with others. Nap training should be tailored to your child’s comfort and tolerance. And soon, there will be a day when you both get a good night’s sleep.


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