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12 Best Brain Boosters For Memory, Concentration & Brain Health

Are there any differences between a kid's diet and an adult's? Do kids need more brain booster foods? Read on to know how foods boost a kid's brain.

9 min read
12 Best Brain Boosters For Memory, Concentration & Brain Health

Every parent wants their child to perform well in academics and extracurricular activities. The growth of the brain in the initial 36 months of life is high in terms of size and cognitive aspects. Kids learn how to think, react, and sort out common issues around them.

Building blocks, listening to music and exploring the surroundings act as brain boosters. However, these methods are not enough to stimulate a child's development. Nutritious food and supplements play an equally important role.

According to Bethany Thayer, kids have a growing brain, the most hungry organ, and the first to absorb vital nutrients. Hence, they need proper memory boosters to enhance their cognitive functioning. Brain booster foods ensure better development and growth.

12 Best Brain Booster Foods

Some vital nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates are essential for brain development. A steady and proper diet matters the most in the early stages of development for such nutrients.

Here is the list of brain booster foods you should give to your kids:

1. Salmon

An excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon contains EPA and DHA, vital for brain functioning and growth. Research shows that if one consumes such fatty acids, they have sharper minds with better mental skills.

This is because omega-3 fatty acid increases the blood flow in the brain, enhancing a child's cognitive functioning. The brain uses omega-3 fatty acids to build nerve cells, vital for memory and learning.

But how can you serve nutrient-rich salmon to your kids so that they enjoy it?

  • Salmon salad is the best alternative to tuna for sandwiches. Mix the fresh salmon with fat-free mayo, yogurt, raisins, carrots, and celery and serve it with whole-grain bread. One can beautifully present this brain booster food with a pinch of creativity for kids.
  • Let your toddler enjoy chunks of salmon with a fork. Moreover, salmon cake or patties are better options for serving kids.

DHA Brain Health Gummies 

Looking for a tasty and healthy way to support your child's brain development? Look no further than Little Joys DHA Brain Health Gummies! These gummies are packed with essential nutrients like DHA and choline, which boost memory✅, concentration✅, and overall brain health. ✅

With four delicious fruits and veggies and zero added sugar, they're a treat that both parents and kids can feel good about. So why wait? Give your child's brain the boost it needs!🔥

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2. Berries

The presence of flavonoid antioxidants makes berries a brain booster food. Research suggests that berries have compounds of antioxidants, like catechin, anthocyanin, quercetin, and caffeic acid.

These antioxidants help enhance communication between the brain cells and reduce inflammation in the body. Moreover, they enhance plasticity, allowing brain cells to form new connections and boost memory and learning.

Some berries rich in antioxidants are blackberries, strawberries, mulberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, etc.

Boost the flavor of certain veggies with a toss of berries, like strawberries with green beans or green salads. Top smoothies with beautifully-cut berries.

Beautifully presented smoothies attract kids and fulfill their daily brain booster dose. Parents can also dip the berries in a healthy chocolate sauce or serve them with other foods.

3. Avocados

Avocado is an exotic food with high nutritional content. It contains folate, potassium, and vitamin K, essential for brain development. It also has high fiber, vitamin C, and magnesium, vital for the overall development of a child.

Kids after six months of age are ready to consume some solid foods. Ripe avocados have a creamy texture, and a single bite fulfills vital nutritional requirements in kids.

Sometimes, it gets challenging to feed toddlers ripe avocados directly. Here are some ways you can include natural brain boosters like avocados in a mouth-watering dish for your kids:

  • Turn them into dips or sauce for sandwiches.
  • Mix them with whole-grain pasta along with some veggies.
  • Make an avocado chaat, topping it with some sliced-chopped veggies like onion, tomato, celery. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper powder, and add a few drops of lemon juice to enhance the taste.

4. Apples

Apples boost the production of acetylcholine, which ensures the effective transmission of messages among the nerve cells. The antioxidants also neutralize damage due to free radicals in the brain.

Steamed apple is a popular solid food that parents feed kids after they are six months of age. The fruit is crucial to fulfilling its nutritional requirements.

Here are a few different ways you can serve apples, a brain booster food, to your kids:

  • Serve them in the form of snacks. For this, peel the apples and cut them into different slices to look attractive.
  • Blend it with smoothies for your kids. This will lure them to eat the fruit with more interest.
  • Topping certain homemade ice creams with finely chopped apples is also a good option.

Brain Health Kit 

Looking for an all-in-one solution to support your child's brain development? Little Joys has got you covered with their Brain Health Kit! Enriched with DHA, an essential nutrient for brain development, this kit combines the goodness of DHA Brain Gummies and NutriMix Gummies. 🔥

With a delicious chocolate flavor✅ and gummy format✅, your kids will ask for more on their own - no more fussy pillsor bitter syrups! Give your child the brain-boosting nutrients they need in a fun and tasty way! 😋

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5. Milk and Yogurt

Dairy food items are rich in protein and essential nutrients that aid brain development. Greek yogurt has healthy probiotics that make the gut stronger. The calcium content in milk ensures bone development, vital for growing toddlers and kids. Cheese, different yogurts, buttermilk, and cream fulfill the vitamins and mineral needs of the body.

Generally, children express boredom or want something new when parents offer them a glass of milk. Hence, offering dairy products to kids as creative presentations increases their interest in such foods.

For instance, using berries for toppings in yogurt makes for a crunchier twist and elevates the taste. Fruit shakes and smoothies provide the nutritional benefits of both milk and fruits.

6. Lean Beef

Iron is an essential mineral that boosts the child’s concentration level. Lean beef is the best source of iron that helps keep kids energized throughout the day.

Including lean beef in a brain booster diet fulfills the zinc requirement to improve memory.

But what about vegetarians? In this case, soy burgers and black beans are the best alternatives to lean beef. They are iron-rich meatless alternatives that contain nonheme iron. Nonheme iron facilitates better absorption of Vitamin C.

Combine beans with red bell pepper or Vitamin C-rich fruits for a better taste.

7. Seeds and Nuts

Nuts and seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, and antioxidants, a bundle of nutrients acting as brain boosters. A study shows that eating almonds improves brain functioning. The antioxidant content in nuts and seeds protects brain cells from oxidative stress caused due to free radicals. Vitamin E facilitates cognitive functioning and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Combine sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and almonds with a bowl of milk and cornflakes. This is an energy-booster dish that improves kids' concentration.

8. Whole Grains

Toddlers’ and kids’ brains grow faster as compared to adults’. Hence, they need a constant supply of glucose for the healthy growth of their brain.

The fiber content in whole grains regulates the body’s glucose release. They also contain Vitamin B, which provides nourishment to the nervous system. Sourcing whole-grain cereals is easy, but getting a kid to consume them seems challenging. Children always want something new and unique, whether in a toy or food!

Hence, you can switch to whole-grain bread for making sandwiches or tortillas. Brown rice, whole-grain pasta, bulgur wheat, and barley are whole-grain foods.

Oatmeal is also a better option for including whole-grain foods in your kid's diet.

9. Eggs

Eggs contain vital nutrients that are important for brain health. They have choline, Vitamin B6, B12, and folate. Choline in eggs helps create acetylcholine neurotransmitters, responsible for regulating memory and mood. Studies show high choline intake is directly linked to improved mental functions and memory.

Eggs are the best option to induce choline production in the body. Vitamin B and folate help deal with depression, an increasingly observed issue in young children. Vitamin B12 in eggs ensures the synthesis of brain chemicals and helps regulate the sugar level in the brain.

You can serve scrambled eggs along with lightly roasted veggies, like broccoli, beans, and bell peppers.

DHA Brain Health Gummies 

Looking for a tasty and healthy way to support your child's brain development? Look no further than Little Joys DHA Brain Health Gummies! These gummies are packed with essential nutrients like DHA and choline, which boost memory✅, concentration✅, and overall brain health. ✅

With four delicious fruits and veggies and zero added sugar, they're a treat that both parents and kids can feel good about. So why wait? Give your child's brain the boost it needs!🔥

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10. Oranges

Oranges are a rich source of Vitamin C that helps prevent mental decline. How does that happen? A study shows that Vitamin C in oranges has powerful antioxidants that promote brain health. It also protects against major brain disorders like schizophrenia, depressive disorders, and Alzheimer's. Further, it is known to protect against the damage caused due to free radicals.

You can give your kids freshly-made orange juice with a spoonful of honey. Homemade orange pie or orange zest cake are also delicious options for kids.

11. Colorful Veggies

Colorful veggies include carrots, yellow and red bell peppers, celery, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, etc. A small bowl of these veggies provides wholesome nutrients vital for brain development. It provides a healthy dose of antioxidants that help keep the brain cells healthy. Kids may, however, find it boring to chew these veggies. For a fun and healthy option, you can try sweet potato fries. Cut the vegetable in a wedge shape and pour a bit of vegetable oil over it. Then, bake instead of deep-frying.

Another alternative is pumpkin muffins, freshly baked at home. You can also make a crunchy and tangy salad with tomatoes, baby carrots, some berries, and spinach. Add a few drops of lemon and one teaspoon of sesame seeds to elevate the taste.

12. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate or cocoa powder has brain booster compounds like antioxidants, caffeine, and flavonoids. Dark chocolate contains approx 70% of cocoa. Don't get these mixed with regular chocolates, as they contain only 15-20% cocoa with added flavors. The chocolates available in the market are typically not healthy for kids.

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that promote memory and learning. It also acts as a mood booster to induce a positive feeling.

Generally, kids love chocolates. Hence, you can give them chocolate shakes, whole wheat chocolate cake, and muffins (using honey instead of sugar). These are both delicious and nutritious.

Supplements for Brain Function

Although making dietary changes for kids would be helpful, giving brain booster supplements would also prove beneficial. You can provide Vitamin E, C, and B-type supplements, magnesium, or beta-carotene to help improve brain functioning. Studies show that doctors suggest taking ginseng to enhance brain functioning.

Hence, if your kid has a deficiency of any brain booster nutrients, consult a doctor for the correct supplements. Avoid giving supplements of your choice without knowing about them.

Brain Health Kit 

Looking for an all-in-one solution to support your child's brain development? Little Joys has got you covered with their Brain Health Kit! Enriched with DHA, an essential nutrient for brain development, this kit combines the goodness of DHA Brain Gummies and NutriMix Gummies. 🔥

With a delicious chocolate flavor✅ and gummy format✅, your kids will ask for more on their own - no more fussy pillsor bitter syrups! Give your child the brain-boosting nutrients they need in a fun and tasty way! 😋

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Summing Up On Best Brain Boosters

Each of the foods mentioned above is a brain booster for kids. These foods contain essential nutrients like:

  • antioxidants
  • vitamins B and E
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • healthy fats, etc.

Growing children need these nutrients. Hence, parents should include these brain booster foods in their kid's diets to ensure better functioning of the brain and its optimum growth and development.
